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Over the  years  numerous scientific  research expeditions  have been conducted  through exploration of  the ocean and sea to  gather information about a particular thing and to discover the unknown. A diving expedition that was conducted for the first time that revealed more information about a particular sea was the crater mapping expedition that took place in the Dead Sea in 2010. A research team from Israel’s Ben-Gurion university of the Negev and Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology institute collaborated  and managed to dive into the Dead Sea.  The discoveries made during this expedition confirmed suspicions of freshwater springs spouting from the depths of the Dead Sea.  During the expeditions the researchers found 30 giant steep-walled craters spewing fresh water  and in the craters  they discovered new-life form . Before the expedition it was said the Dead Sea was not a viable place for marine life,  due to the new finding that is no longer the case. The purpose of the expedition was achieve and due to the new findings scientist are able to come up with new ideas and creation. -Claudia                                                                                                                                  




Crater Mapping of the Dead Sea

The composure of the Dead Sea is consent of high concentration of elements. This includes chloride, magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium and bromide. The high numbers of the following elements are above higher within the Dead Sea than the Mediterranean Sea and the Ocean Water. Even so, in 1976, the Dead Sea had repeated sighting of salt crystals. With each appearance, the salt crystal would increase. Normal, it’s not easy to see a salt crystal because salt can crystallize.  This sighting occurred on a calm day which contributes to this phenomenon.  Yet, you can’t forget about the rest of the elements. With the high levels, the Dead Sea has become the hotspot for beauty of health companies. There was an model done to further explain that reason of high concentration of ozone (O3) and hyprobromite  (BrO), which are similar to the levels in the polar regions. -Amanda


General Information

Why is the Dead Sea really called the Dead Sea? In real life it is a beautiful site, the sun is always out and the waters are as blue as the sky as well as very clear. In reality the Dead Sea is really a lake so why is it called the “Dead Sea”? Well unlike most lakes, the Dead Sea contains salt water instead of fresh water and it is in fact the second saltiest body of water in the world. The Dead Sea is unlike any other body of water in the world, there are no fish swimming or plants growing under the surface or at the bottom. The Dead Sea carries so much content of salt that it clearly makes it impossible for any type of life to live in it. -Anthony


​The Dead Sea formation is a very interesting and long story that is fun to learn. We learn through the formation some more of the history of the Dead Sea and how we humans even have a part in its formation. The Dead Sea has been forming over the last few hundred decades and it has been a wonderful formation. The Dead sea has actualy one of the most interesting formation that I have learned about in the longest. Its formation and chemical structure has caused all of its amazing attributes that we learned to love and chereish today. However, the Dead Sea has been being affected by many bad factors which we are a part of. The Dead Sea is a wonderful and interesting place with rich water but how can you love something if you don’t know the past. -Raymond

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